The Origin Story

coaching business executive function colorado springs

Any true child of the 80s knows this line “If you build it, they will come.” Kevin Costner builds a baseball field in the middle of nowhere because of the voice prompting him that, “They will come.” Well, I’ve had my own “If you build it” kind of experience this year. To begin I feel I should give a bit of the back story first. 

Back in 2020, I was preparing a presentation on Teaching Executive Function Skills for a conference which of course given the “way of life” during 2020 was going to be a virtual conference.  I was to pre-record my presentation and send it to the conference folks for attendees to watch from home or work or wherever covid had them in October of that year. I remember saying to my husband, John, “This stinks, no audience participation or questions or facial expressions to feed off of and I can’t even pass out a handout of something for them to take away and use.” Well, leave it to my “fix-it” husband he had a few solutions.  He offered to jazz up my presentation with added flare and moving parts to hold people’s attention, he watched me record so I could have some “facial expressions” to respond to AND he made me a website so that conference attendees could download materials I had created for their future use. Brilliant!  Love that guy.

So, he sat down to create the site and says to me, “We might as well get a dot com that you will use again one day, what kind of private practice name might you want in the future?” I need to stop there for just a moment and explain some things. First off, my husband is an entrepreneur and highly appreciates the self-employed life. He has slightly resented my career choice to work in education where flexibility of schedules does not exist and hours worked “at work” are also duplicated and worked at home in preparation for when you’re “at work.”  This whole notion makes no sense to him, especially for a locked compensation rate despite exceptional performance.  He just can’t buy in. He is, however incredibly supportive and understands that teachers/school counselors etc. don’t do what they do for the money or mountain of extra work, they do it for the chance to make a positive difference in the lives of kids. It’s a calling. 

Ever since I left my first school counseling job to be at home with my babies and toddlers for a number of years he has continuously encouraged me to go into private practice counseling. “You can set your own schedule and be in control of your day and still make a difference for people,” he would say. He was not wrong, but, when our youngest was gearing up for Kindergarten, I just felt safer going back to a school.  There is something about all of the schedules, getting paid, and background details being set for me that just felt safer for my non-detail-oriented self. And besides, I had found the perfect job!  I was hired to be a teacher, (even though I am a counselor), for a very specific group of students struggling with executive functioning skills. This was already a passion of mine because I get those kids.  I WAS that kid. So, for five years, I built a program of teaching kids skills necessary for success, but not happening naturally for them. I found ways to teach things very unconventionally through games, activities, questions, and one-on-one weekly meetings with students. It was awesome!  

My Classroom

That first year – not so awesome. I was up till midnight every night planning and often planned in my sleep as well.  I had no idea what I was doing in terms of classroom management and I had some really challenging students who were giving me all they had in terms of challenge and attitude. I cried a lot that year. But, each year got better and I refined my lessons, listened to great advice, and practiced until I knew what I was doing. Every spring contracts would come out and my faithful husband would say “You sure you want to go back next year? You could start a private practice instead you know.” I knew. But I was good.

So, in 2020 when asked what kind of private practice name would you want, it didn’t feel scary because it was just a question about a potential distant future. I thought for 30 seconds and said, ”I want to help people with executive functioning like I do now, so, something about that.”  I followed a lot of bloggers and coaches in the field so I added, “Executive Function Coaching.” John searched up a few dot coms that were taken and finally, we settled on My EF Coach. It fit. Anyone reading it would see that I could in fact be their Executive Function coach. “Sure, sounds good,”  I said. One day.”

One day…

Writing about my business - executive function colorado springs

Three years later, I resigned from my sweet job because one of our kids was in need of more individual instruction than her IEP could provide and we decided that junior high would be best spent with mom as her primary educator. (SCARY). So, I let my boss know over a year in advance that it was coming and I prepared myself to say goodbye to my job, school, and students. I knew that I would need to figure out something else to contribute financially and use my skills. I joked with John about delivering for Amazon but in reality, I wouldn’t last a week with that. Besides, John had other plans. He had already made me a website three years prior; it just needed some updates.  John launched my website and put up new content about executive function coaching using AI. He knew I was too scared to start and that if he asked me for content I would freak.  He bought me an LLC and created a google voice number.  He made starting a business seem so simple!  He was doing it in the spare minutes of his already busy day.  I was shaking in my skin just thinking about it. “How could I run a business!?” The problem was that John built it. And, as the saying goes…

Well, without my really realizing it, John had built me a website and “they” were coming. I must say that it cracks me up how fast the site generated clientele given that when John teaches people how to build websites (one of his many jobs), he tells them “If you build it – they WON’T come.” He always explains all the important marketing needs in order to generate web traffic and so far none of that was happening with this new site. He really built a site that people went to.  Why? I’ll tell you why. The need is great! If you have something out there that people are searching for, they will find it.  Turns out a LOT of people are looking for help with being more organized, making and sticking to plans, time management, emotional regulation, impulsivity, focus, working memory and the list goes on. So, they came. 

The day after posting my new phone number on the website the phone rang and the screen said “My EF Coach.”  It was the google voice number coming through. I figured it was spam but I answered. A young woman introduced herself and shared why she was calling. She wanted a coach immediately. I first said I would be starting in August but that wasn’t going to work for her. She asked to meet with me the following day.

So, I did.  Then the phone rang again and again. In four weeks of being in business, I currently have 5 clients and more inquiries processing.  I have created a parenting workshop with a fellow EF-minded friend and the very best part of all of this, I am seeing people really grow and gain the freedom and peace that comes from newly acquired skills that allow them to better manage themselves and their lives.  I loved my previous job and was sad to leave, but I love this new job so much already. It’s not a full classroom, but everyone I see is so eager to make change that they really do make it happen and I get to be there to see it. SO COOL!  Thank you Jesus for the blessings!  And that is the origin story of My EF Coach LLC.  More to come…