Unique IDWorkshop SignupEach workshop is live and in-person. Choose all four for $100 and save $20. Or individual ones for $30 each. Additionally, we have added a spouse/partner or household adult addon for $15 each.Please Select the Workshop(s) you would like to attend:(Required) I want to attend all 4 Workshops for $100 and Save $20 Or Select Each One Below ($30 Each) Please Select the Individual Workshop(s) you would like to attend:(Required) Routines and Getting Out the Door Organization, Item Tracking and Multi-step Directions Homework and Schoolwork Emotional Regulation and Situational Awareness Add One Additional Household Adult Attendee for $15 per workshopOne additional household adult could be a spouse, parent, guardian, grandparent, etc... Select how many workshops they will be joining you for. Only choose the workshop you are attending. Organization, Item Tracking and Multi-step Directions Emotional Regulation and Situational Awareness Homework and Schoolwork Routines and Getting Out the Door Name of Additional Adult Joining You(Required)Total Workshops(Required)Your InfoName(Required) First Last Best way to contact you?(Required) Email Phone Text Email(Required) Phone(Required)Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter? Yes I am a parent of a child with ADHD or Executive Function Difficulties?(Required) Yes No Unsure I have a child(ren) in the following age range (check all that apply)(Required) Birth-5 5-10 10-13 14-18 My biggest struggles in my home related to executive functioning are? (include your own struggles and/or your child's struggles)(Required)What do you hope to get out of these workshops?(Required)How did you hear about us?(Required) Peach Jar Facebook Word of Mouth Internet Search Current or Previous Client Other Please Read: Acknowledgement & Waiver(Required)MY EF COACH LLC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & WAIVER I acknowledge that this webinar may be recorded (photographs, audio, and/or video) and the recording may be used for promotional and marketing purposes and/or distributed or offered for sale, and I authorize My EF Coach LLC and all entities acting with its permission or upon its authority, the absolute right and unrestricted permission to use my participation, name, voice and/or likeness in the recording, and to copy, sell or otherwise distribute such recordings and in future promotional materials for this program. I also assign any rights (e.g. copyrights) that I might have in the recording or my contribution to the recording to My Ef Coach. I understand that I will not be compensated in any way, beyond being a participant in the creation of, and perhaps being identified in the recording, and I hereby waive any right that I might have to approve the recording. I WILL NOT AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORD THE CLASS/WEBINAR BY ANY MEANS. I UNDERSTAND THAT A RECORDING WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. I agreeEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ